Since 2002 GateTel has been providing Cellular Devices (also referred to as Terminals, Modems, and Gateways).
These devices are Intelligent; they are Programmable with Python Scripts or Linux programming. Intelligent (programmable) devices can automatically ‘make decisions’ at the edge, hence optimize the amount of data sent to a server or a Cloud, therefore minimize the cost of data being transferred through the network.
GateTel devices can be connected to ANY cloud (or cloud service) by simply loading the proper agent to the device.
GateTel devices are the ideal development platform since all hardware has already been developed and certified.
A developer can quickly deploy his application and start marketing his own product. A significant saving in hardware development, certifying time, costs as well as the fastest time-to-market.
GateTel devices are available with No Label or with a Private Label for companies that want to provide their own solutions.