Your IoT Terminal Solutions
Since 2002 GateTel has been developing Commercial-Off-The-Shelf and OEM devices, including End-To-End solutions for the IoT markets.

Cloud IoT Services
GateTel's devices include seamless connectivity with cloud services. Customers can select a Cloud platform that is provided by GateTel, or set up their own private Cloud.
GateTel devices enable customers to communicate through various secured/ encrypted communication protocols, VPNs and more.
GateTel devices have been designed for mobile applications with small form factor, low power consumption, wide operating temperature range and robust construction.
Instant Development and
Implementing IoT Solutions

1. M2M Development Platforms
2. IoT - Internet of Things
3. Cloud Solution Development
GateTel provides fully certified intelligent devices that are ready for development.
Depending on the model; some devices include (built-in) Python, C, or Linux programming capabilities.
Since the devices already include multiple I/O’s, they allow the developer to quickly create their own products at the lowest possible cost and shortest turnaround time.
The benefits to the customer are a competitive edge, better ROI, and higher profits than others that go through Design, Manufacturing, Certifying, and developing their own.